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Leung Kwok-hung (Chinese: 梁國雄; born 27 March ), also known by his nickname "Long Hair" (長毛), [1] [2] is a Hong Kong politician and social activist. He was a member of the Legislative Council, representing the New Territories East. Results breakdown of the 2011 Hong Kong local elections
梁國雄 (英語: Leung Kwok-hung;年3月27日 —), 綽號 “ 長毛 ”(Longhair) [5],籍貫 廣東 增城, 香港 社會主義 政治人物、 社會運動 人士, 四五行动 总代表,香港前 立法會議員,属于 泛民主派。 他在年首次當選香港立法會議員,迄今曾五度當選。 但於第五次當選時因 立法會宣誓風波 被法庭裁定取消議員資格。 其並非因主張 民族自決 或 香港獨立 而被取消資格,與 姚松炎 和其他被取消資格的立法會議員不同。 配偶為 社會民主連線 現任主席 陳寶瑩 [1]。 梁國雄信奉 不断革命论 、 世界革命 等 托洛茨基主义 理論,曾是 革命馬克思主義者同盟 成員 [6]。. Leung Kwok-hung - Wikipedia
Leung “Long Hair” Kwok-hung (梁國雄) is a long-time activist and former member of Hong Kong’s law-making body, the Legislative Council. His penchant for direct action and Che Guevara shirts have made him a recognizable figure on the anti-authoritarian left. Leung kwok hung biography of christopher paulLeung kwok hung biography of christopher smithLeung kwok hung biography of christopher jacksonLeung kwok hung biography of christopher brown Results breakdown of the 2015 Hong Kong local elections
Daisann McLane profile of Leung Kwok-hung, better known as Long Hair, indefatigable, if eccentric, advocate for democracy in Hong Kong for more than 25 years and now an equally eccentric. LEUNG KWOK HUNG AND THROUGH THE HONG KONG COURTS LEUNG Gwyneth Ho, a former journalist famous for live-streaming protests in , was sentenced to 7 years; former lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, known by the nickname “Long Hair” and for his.Directors and Board Committees | Sun Hung Kai Properties 梁國雄 (LEUNG Kwok-hung, 年 3月27號 —),花名 長毛 、 毛哥 、 饅頭雄,係前 香港立法會 議員, 激進民主派 代表人物, 共產主義 托洛茨基派 信徒, 網絡電台 MyRadio 星期一深夜節目〈足球頻道〉主持同埋星期五晚節目〈風也蕭蕭〉嘅客席主持。 年4月,佢同 黃毓民 、 陳偉業 等人起咗政團 社會民主連線。 梁國雄嘅招牌係把長頭髮同埋「捷古華拉」T裇。 佢成日同 四五行動 響香港大細示威同警察肢體衝撞,亦多次被判違反公安條例;香港政府嘜咗佢做麻煩友。 佢嘅鮮明形像係香港一個標誌,第度嘅香港旅遊指南都有記;有啲遊客會特登去 蘭桂坊 搵佢傾偈。.梁國雄 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 On Sunday, 10 February , Leung Kwok Hung, assisted by Fung Ka Keung, Christopher and Lo Wai Ming, led between 40 and persons in a pre-planned peaceful procession from Chater Gardens along Queensway, a public highway, to the then Police Headquarters on nearby Arsenal Street. Kwok Wing Hang and others v Chief Executive in Council and ...
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Leung kwok hung biography of christopher |
On Sunday, 10 February 2002, Leung Kwok Hung, assisted by Fung Ka Keung, Christopher and Lo Wai Ming, led between 40 and 100 persons in a pre- planned peaceful. |
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Mr. |
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This appeal concerns a challenge to the constitutionality of the statutory scheme for the regulation of public processions contained in the Public Order. |
Leung kwok hung biography of christopher columbus |
He was thought so unimportant that my inexperience couldn't do any damage. |
Leung Kwok-hung - Wikimedia Commons
The first was submitted by 24 members of the Legislative Council, and the second by Leung Kwok-hung, a former member. Four other applications were made, each of the applicants in which were instructed to await the outcome of the initial case.
In civic activities, Mr. Kwok is a director of The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong. Mr. Kwok is a son of Madam Kwong Siu-hing, who is a substantial shareholder of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. Mr. Kwok is the father of Messrs. Kwok Kai-wang, Christopher and Kwok Ho-lai, Edward.
Christopher Fung Ka-keung, a leader of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, Chris Lo Wai-ming, student activist, and Leung Kwok-hung.
David Leung Kwok-hung (FTU) Chan Yiu-tak (Ind) David Leung Kwok-hung (FTU) Yeung Hon-sing (Ind) Wong Kwan-fung (Ind) FTU hold: C Wan Tsui: Kung Pak-cheung (DAB) Ng Yin-keung (Civ) Kung Pak-cheung (DAB) DAB hold: C Fei Tsui: Joseph Lai Chi-keong (Civ) Joseph Lai Chi-keong (Civ) Lui Chi-man (Ind Dem) Lily Li Lee (Ind) Civic hold: C Mount.Kwok Wing Hang and others v Chief Executive in Council and another is a Hong Kong constitutional case concerning the Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation.
Leung Kwok-hung (born 27 March in Hong Kong), also known as Long Hair (Chinese: 長毛; Jyutping: coeng4 mou4*1), is a Hong Kong Left-wing political activist, a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (representing the New Territories East constituency), a founding member of the League of Social Democrats and a democratic political.Former opposition lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, better known as Long Hair for his coiffure, once described himself as a “Marxist revolutionary”.
David Leung Kwok-hung (DAB/FTU) Chan Yiu-tak (DP) David Leung Kwok-hung (DAB/FTU) Yeung Hon-sing (Ind) DAB/FTU hold: C Wan Tsui: Kung Pak-cheung (DAB) Kung Pak-cheung (DAB) DAB uncontested: C Fei Tsui: Joseph Lai Chi-keong (Civ) Joseph Lai Chi-keong (Civ) Chao Shing-kie (DAB) Civic hold: C Mount Parker: Wong Kin-pan (DAB) Wong Kin-pan.